What is an M3U8 link? how to find m3u8 link, m3u8 format and find m3u8 link all about discuss in this article. If you want to find m3u8 link in detail you are in the right place. I am using live streaming video like a live cricket match, live tv channel, and other video broadcasts live on many websites.
what is m3u8 link M3U8 link basis on HLS. HLS means HTTP live streaming. this format originally developed by the Apple to stream video. but now is popular in live streaming like live tv, live match and much more other live stream videos from many other websites.
Example: “https://website.com/hls/live/indvss/eng/15tsgsxgas/master_1.m3u8”. This is a sample exam of m3u8 link. m3u8 link extension .m3u8.
Benefits of m3u8 link What is benefits of m3u8 link? why needs this file? many questions accrued in your mind. A high-resolution file like 1080p file broadcasted by a website. but a user watches this video and this user have not high-speed internet. so basically using m3u8 file the video broadcasted in many various resolutions like low, medium and high.
how to work m3u8 link All resolutions low, medium and high divided into many small files .ts files. All this multiple .ts file live one after one. Each .ts file 5 to 10-sec video file. And all file play one file after another.

Table of Contents
How to find m3u8 link
Find m3u8 link very simple. You follow some step and find m3u8 link for a particular video you want.
- Open any browser like google chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge. but I preferred for google chrome browser.
- Open website and play the video which one you want to find m3u8 link.
- Right-click by the mouse. And click on “Inspect” ya “Inspect element”. if you want to use short cut then press “ctr+shift+i” for all browser tested by myself.
- And click on the “network”. After clicking network click on “XHR”.
- And find “Index.m3u8” link. right-click and copy this link.

Best browse for play m3u8 link
play m3u8 link in browser but which one best for m3u8? After finding m3u8 link or search from the Internet, how to play m3u8 link in the browser or other software. browser is best for m3u8 link.
1.Play m3u8 link in Microsoft edge
Microsoft Edge browser is one of the best browsers for windows os. Microsoft edge installed by default in Windows 10. but you use an old version of windows then you download and install this software. If you want to download Microsoft edge browser click here.
Microsoft edge plays m3u8 link without any extension. simply copy m3u8 link and paste in URL.
2.How to play m3u8 link in Google chrome
Google chrome browser is the best browser and I also use this browser last two year. but m3u8 link directly not working when m3u8 link open in chrome browser then google chrome download this file. So how to play m3u8 link in google chrome browser? I have one solution, this solution is an extension.
you need to add an extension. Click here download google chrome extension for play m3u8 link.
3. How to play m3u8 link on android
If you are a mobile user, You find m3u8 link and you want to play this link in mobile or android. Then you need on apps, this app is mx player click here to install. If you want to watch a live cricket match or how to play m3u8 link in android on MX player read this article.
m3u8 player
Many live tv m3u8 links or live streaming available on the internet. but which software is best for play m3u8 link. I have one telegram channel, in this channel, I also provide live cricket match m3u8 link. if you want to watch match or test this link then please visit telegram channel. which m3u8 player best or free.
1. m3u8 player for windows
Microsoft windows os use in large number. And you are looking m3u8 player for windows. I tell you best and free m3u8 player for windows 10 is VLC. VLC is available for all platform so you install in windows, android etc.
- Install vlc and open.
- Click on “media” and go to “open network stream” and short-cut key is “Ctrl+n”.
- And paste m3u8 link which one you want to watch.
- Click on the play icon.

2. m3u8 player for android
Almost every user use a mobile phone at present. You also a mobile user and you searching for a good player or app for m3u8 link play. I strongly suggested to two apps, the first one is VLC and another one is MX player. MX player user read this article.
If you are VLC player user
- Install VLC player app for play store.
- Click on three lines on the left side top.
- Click on “stream” icon.
- And paste m3u8 link and enjoy live stream.
Conclusion: In this, you know what is m3u8 link, whats benefit of m3u8 links, how to work m3u8 link and most importantly how to find m3u8 link. which player is best for m3u8 link. And how to play m3u8 link in player etc. almost everything clear in this article but If I have missed out please comment in the comment box. and also you have a valuable suggestion then also give it to me.
thanks for reading this article and give your valuable time. Have a good day.
Hi i followed the above steps and managed to get XHR and found m3u8 files. But its a whole list of m3u8 files but cannot find the index.m3u8 files or master.m3u8 files. Could you help? thanks
i have found master.m3u8 but audio not enble